Sunday, August 07, 2005

Farewell Message

Ladies & Gents,

I email you today out of a lot of excitement and a teeny bit of nervousness. I have been offered a job that is exactly what I've been searching for the past few months, and a little more. I signed a one year contract to teach English in Seoul, South Korea and I leave Friday, August 12th (6 days). I don't yet know my address or phone number, but the HR guy assures me it's the 2nd most well covered high-speed internet access city in the world (phew!), so e-mail shouldn't be a problem. I won't know a "seoul" there, so please keep in touch! I am sad to know I won't be able to hop in my car and go see a friends and family getting engaged, moving, pregnant, and no telling what else. I set up a blog site for you all to add to your favorites and check periodically when I write to tell the latest excitement of another continent. It's all pretty wild and happening quickly, but it should be great. Just wanted to let everyone know!

Lots of love,

My Blog:
In support of South Korea:

Copyright 2005 Olivia R. Reed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My little O-Dizzle! What on earth am I going to do without you? I swear, 50% of my cell minutes are attributed to our chats! I'm so sad that you're leaving, but I'm absolutely elated that you've got an opportunity to follow your dream...and even more, that you're unafraid to do it. Just want you to know I’m proud of you, I love you, and I miss ya already!!!

Mon Aug 08, 12:52:00 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - I had no idea you were going to Seoul!! But that's awesome! I've always thought about going to Japan to teach English, but I never had the guts to actually do it... you are one ballsy chick! ;) I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time... be careful... and keep in touch! Love ya!

Mon Aug 08, 08:52:00 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Jacques said...

I hate you, you're leaving me just when we discovered we were neighbors. Not only that, but you're breaking hearts left and right in our complex. I guess that can only be expected. Tell all the hardcore ching-chong people hello, and remember, FUSC.

Mon Aug 08, 12:42:00 PM GMT+9  

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