Monday, August 08, 2005

No going away party?


Blogger LSULiv said...

I would like to do dinner at Chimes or somewhere w/ traditional La food, maybe Wednesday. I'm just not sure how much I'll still have left to do by then...

Mon Aug 08, 10:36:00 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congrats on the job. How awesome! I know your head must be swimming now, so I will keep this short.

I forwarded your e-mail to Zeke so that he knows you are off for your great adventure to Seoul.

I want to get the 411 on where you are going to stay, etc. Wow, I bet you are going to learn a lot more about their culture than you think right now. I hope there are some happening hot spots for you over there.

Do you get a crash course on how to teach English to people who don't speak it? I am sure you will do wonderfully regardless.

Take care, and call me when you get a chance.

Love, Love, Mamoumudbug

Tue Aug 09, 06:53:00 AM GMT+9  

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