Monday, August 29, 2005


Will all you critters down there in the hurricane's path please let me know that you're ok! I keep reading and hearing about how big it's going to be (after all these years of anticipation) and I'm a bit concerned since I am not there to see it for myself. I'm sure you'll be out of electricity and technology for a while, but just when you get a chance. Thanks much! Lots of love, ~O

Copyright 2005 Olivia R. Reed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

St. Francisville got some wind and some rain. Most of the town lost power today (Mon), but got it back by late afternoon. We had power at the house the whole time. Lots of limbs and leaves all over the place. No problems here!

Tue Aug 30, 11:03:00 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OReed, don't know if you've been able to keep up with the info from New Orleans, but the devestation is unimaginable- on the same scale as the Tsunami, if not worse. We are getting some info at the office and outside of the obvious tragedy, it is a logistical nightmare. The entire power grid is down, BellSouth has lost most of its facilities, etc. Believe it or not, one of the best sites to keep up with the info has been the OT lounge on Tigerdroppings. There are links to pictures, news stories, etc. Everyone at the PSC seems to be ok as best we can tell. This is Garth, btw- I can't remember my account info.

Thu Sep 01, 04:05:00 AM GMT+9  

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